Thank you so much Asio Otus for arranging this and every one who was there! So many people wanted to take a picture with the "lolita girl" and made me almost feel like a celebrity being chased by paparazis.
For some reason I've been reminded how incredibly starry eyed I was (well still am) about other lolitas, when I started. I was (am) self conscious about my age and went into this: " I hope these gorgeous demigod creatures let me worship them from a far, and I don't offend them if I humbly wear a few humble ruffles as a wall flower in the corner. I really honestly considered just running away in terror, when I went into my first Terrible's event in lolita, and the all mighty powerful Kainoliero herself asked me to come pose in her group photo! I remember seeing Mimi in a book store and trying and trying to work up a courage for ages to come and tell her her outfit blew me away and ask for an autograph or something, but I just couldn't do it. How kind everyone has been really has been really kind and welcoming really has been one of the biggest positive suprises of my life! It still feels so unreal sometimes how many of these gorgeous creatures I just wanted to be a fan of are now actually my friends, and I am mystified and so grateful! Thank you so much dears!
Voi sinua ujoa pientä otusta ♥
VastaaPoistaOot niin ihana ja söpö ja oikeesti luulin sua nuoremmaksi kuin mitä itse olen. Mulla on kans kauhee ongelma mun iän kanssa (kohta 26v) ja lolita-piirien kanssa, kun yleensä ihmiset on 15-22 väliltä, ainakin suureksi osaksi. Kaikki me kai ollaan tämmösiä hassuja röyhelöisiä pikkutyttöjä ja voidaan tulla hyvin toimeen keskenämme. ^__^
Mua jänskättää kauheesti lauantain miitti, mutta toivottavasti menee hyvin. :)
~ Frillycakes ♥ ~
Niinpä, en kyllä ole yhtään kokenut vaikeaksi löytää yhteistä asiaa parinkympin paikkeilla olevien kanssa, vaan lolipiireistä olen löytänyt hyvinkin samanhenkisempää porukkaa kuin esim. tanssipiireistä. Kyllä se miitti hyvin menee!
PoistaIt's so hard to imagine you as being self conscious in Lolita fashion! I think you are such a beautiful Lolita, and I adore your posts. If anything, I'm somewhat intimidated by your skill as a ballerina, since I'm an "old" (25) dancer who only returned to ballet at the age of 20!
VastaaPoistaThank you very much! Unfortunately I tend to be pretty self conscios and hard on myself due to my big issues with chronic deprsession and such. Please don't talk to me about 25 being remotely "old", I'm almost a decade older than you. (34) :P 25 is like the time of your life-please enjoy it!
PoistaOh, don't worry, I don't actually believe that I'm old! I know I'm still quite young (and I don't think 34 is old, either :p). It's just as someone who only recently began to dance ballet again in the past five years, after a 10 year gap, and remembering how much easier it was having a body that was more flexible and almost a completely different shape...sometimes I like to tease myself and say "it's okay, you're still pretty good for an 'old' dancer!"
PoistaBut I will definitely take being 25 over being 15 XD