I went to see Anna Karenina today. This is what I wore:
(JSK,bonnet, and bolero:IW
blouse: Anna House
bag: that same old Meta bag
and boots the same old Bodyline ones
wig: Gothic Lolita Wigs)
I liked it though with some mixed feelings. I disliked the whole "stage thing", though I understood the point, I felt at the begining it was an annoying reminder that this is "just a play" and that I am a spectator. Call me oldfashioned, but I like to loose myself into the other reality of it. What I really loved about the book was the richness of detail, that made the everyday life, not just a the drama, of the russian uper class of that era seem real. I like directors who have the humility to really rely on the artists and the story, and that less is more, without any "special artistic tricks of their own". I think the actors did a good job, especially Jude Law, and even Kiera did a fairly decent one, despite my original dissapointment in that particular casting. Oh, and all the lovely hats...I especially enjoyed the hats.
This is what I wore to the birthday party meetup of the lovely
Asio Otus. Sort of a casual repeat outfit, but
flowers in hair and cardigan H&M)
Mmmm, salmiac cup cake that coordinates with my eye make up:
Näytät muuten todella hyvältä punaisessa peruukissa!
VastaaPoistaPsst, jätin blogiini sulle tunnustuksen ^^
Kiitos kovasti! Se onkin lempiperuukkini.
PoistaIhanat asut! Ensimmäisessä kuvassa on ihana sininen valaistus, toisessa sinulla on ihanan keväisen keltainen pusero. Tykkään:)!
VastaaPoistaKiitos! Talvella ihan parasta onkin "siniset hetket".
PoistaIhania asuja..ah..bonnet ❤
VastaaPoistaEhkäpä itsekin menossa katsomaan tuota leffaa, jos tästä lapsiarjesta pääsee.
Rhapsody-peruukki on niin kiva! ^__^
~ Frillycakes ♥ ~
Kiitos! Bonnetit on rakkautta ja tuo on lempiperuukkini.