maanantai 7. marraskuuta 2011

Creme de la Garderobe

I found one of my favorite prints Baby´s Paris Window in a pink skirt.

I thought I would buy  more JSKs and OPs from now on but this was just a must have print. I also bought a nice squirrel shirt from Tiina Talvikki.
And what I did to my poor cellphone:

 Alas, hand coordination for small things has never been one of my talents. I really wish it were.
Kata and me being rabbits in our similar Baby's bunny coats

The Cafe Villipuutarha (Wild Garden) has always been one of my favorites. The unique interior creates a lovely atmosphere.

Inspired by Asio Otus a few challenges for myself
-As I can't buy new clothes for awhile (my wallet got pick pocketed and my bank account cleaned out :( ...) I will try to be more creative with my old ones. Less matchy matchy, and not be afraid to try out something new.
-Try new make up and hair styles.
- After the performance on Saturday is over (who ever invented unitards must die a million deaths slowly) and holidays are coming I will try to bake more stuff. Something yummy and hopefully aestetically pleasing.
- Try to learn to crochet do some crafting of my own unique accessories

5 kommenttia:

  1. Ihana tuo hame ja voi kun olette katan kanssa söpöjä:3!

  2. Hei! Nytpä löysin sinut blogosfääristä. Oli ihana nähdä!

  3. Kiitos Ines!

    Samoin Rittis! Kiitos vielä tuhannesti ihanasta Cremestä!

  4. Harmi kuhn ei ehditty törmätä, mun piti poistua jo aika aikaisin. Mutta kivaa että pääsit paikalle! Ja tuo hame sopii sinulle takuulla kuin nakutettu.

  5. Juu minäkin oikein odotin suhun törmäämistä. Mutta pitäisi taas aktivoida fossiilikerhoa, niin toivottavasti pian törmätään.
